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Wczytywanie i konwersja IFFów - realizacja :) wysłany: 2013-06-17 17:24

Przedstawiam tutaj przykładową realizację ładowania i konwersji IFFów, którą opracowałem. Za pomocą tych procedur można ładować i konwertować dane w locie! Podana przykładowa konwersja do planarnej bitmapy. Można napisać konwersję do bitmapy typu chunky, danych planarnych BOBów, duszków itp.

* IFFLoad :: loading and converting IFF files.



#include "IFFLoad.h"

#define RowBytes(w) ((((w) + 15) >> 4) << 1)

/* ILBMHandle :: auxilliary structure to hold ILBM info. */
struct ILBMHandle
struct BitMapHeader *bmhd;
BYTE *buffer, *curbuf;
ULONG bufsize;

/* myOpenIFF :: open IFF transaction from DOS file. */
struct IFFHandle *myOpenIFF(char *name)
struct IFFHandle *iff;
if (iff = AllocIFF())
if (iff->iff_Stream = Open(name, MODE_OLDFILE))
if (OpenIFF(iff, IFFF_READ) == 0)
return iff;
return NULL;

/* myCloseIFF :: close IFF transaction of DOS file. */
void myCloseIFF(struct IFFHandle *iff)

/* preParseILBM :: pre-parse IFF ILBM file. Return ILBMHandle. */
struct ILBMHandle *preParseILBM(struct IFFHandle *iff)
LONG result;
struct ILBMHandle *ilbm;
struct StoredProperty *sp;
struct ContextNode *cn;

if (PropChunks(iff, props, 2) == 0 && StopChunk(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BODY) == 0)
if ((result = ParseIFF(iff, IFFPARSE_SCAN)) == 0)
if (ilbm = AllocMem(sizeof(struct ILBMHandle), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR))
if (sp = FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BMHD))
ilbm->bmhd = (struct BitMapHeader *)sp->sp_Data;
if (cn = CurrentChunk(iff))
ilbm->bufsize = cn->cn_Size;
if (ilbm->buffer = AllocMem(ilbm->bufsize, MEMF_PUBLIC))
if (ReadChunkBytes(iff, ilbm->buffer, ilbm->bufsize) == ilbm->bufsize)
ilbm->curbuf = ilbm->buffer;
printf("ILBM successfully opened: bufsize = %d\n", ilbm->bufsize);
return ilbm;
printf("Error while reading chunk bytes.\n");
FreeMem(ilbm->buffer, ilbm->bufsize);
printf("Not enough memory.\n");
printf("Error while obtaining current chunk.\n");
printf("Error: file has not BMHD chunk.\n");
FreeMem(ilbm, sizeof(struct ILBMHandle));
printf("Not enough memory.\n");
printf("Error %ld has occured during parsing.\n", result);
return NULL;

/* closeILBM :: close ILBM. */
void closeILBM(struct ILBMHandle *ilbm)
FreeMem(ilbm->buffer, ilbm->bufsize);
FreeMem(ilbm, sizeof(struct ILBMHandle));
printf("ILBM closed.\n");

/* readILBM :: read ILBM BODY chunk one line. */
int readILBM(struct IFFHandle *iff, struct ILBMHandle *ilbm, BYTE *dest)
WORD bpr;
BYTE control, repeat;

bpr = RowBytes(ilbm->bmhd->bmh_Width);
if (ilbm->bmhd->bmh_Compression == cmpNone)
CopyMem(ilbm->curbuf, dest, bpr);
ilbm->curbuf += bpr;
return 0;
else if (ilbm->bmhd->bmh_Compression == cmpByteRun1)
while (bpr > 0)
if ((control = *(ilbm->curbuf)++) >= 0)
bpr -= control;
while (control-- > 0)
*dest++ = *(ilbm->curbuf)++;
else if (control != -12
control = -control + 1;
bpr -= control;
repeat = *(ilbm->curbuf)++;
while (control-- > 0)
*dest++ = repeat;
return 0;

/* loadILBMasBitMap :: load ILBM as planar BitMap. */
struct BitMap *loadILBMasBitMap(char *name, UWORD **pal)
struct BitMap *bm=NULL;
struct IFFHandle *iff;
struct ILBMHandle *ilbm;
PLANEPTR planes[8];
struct BitMapHeader *bmhd;
WORD width, bpr, depth, height, row, plane, color;
struct StoredProperty *sp;
BYTE *cmap;

if (iff = myOpenIFF(name))
if (ilbm = preParseILBM(iff))
bmhd = ilbm->bmhd;
width = bmhd->bmh_Width;
bpr = RowBytes(width);
height = bmhd->bmh_Height;
depth = bmhd->bmh_Depth;
if (bm = AllocBitMap(width, height, depth, BMF_CLEAR, NULL))
for (plane = 0; plane < depth; plane++)
planes[plane] = bm->Planes[plane];
for (row = 0; row < height; row++)
for (plane = 0; plane < depth; plane++)
readILBM(iff, ilbm, planes[plane]);
planes[plane] += bpr;
if (sp = FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_CMAP))
cmap = sp->sp_Data;
if (pal)
if ((*pal) = AllocMem((1 << depth) * sizeof(UWORD), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR))
/* Convert palette from CMAP to RGB 4 bits per gun. */
for (color = 0; color < (1 << depth); color++)
(*pal)[color] = ((*cmap++) & 0xF0) << 4;
(*pal)[color] |= ((*cmap++) & 0xF0);
(*pal)[color] |= ((*cmap++) & 0xF0) >> 4;
return bm;

/* freePalette :: takes care of freeing color palette. Takes amount of colors. */
void freePalette(UWORD *pal, WORD colors)
FreeMem(pal, colors * sizeof(UWORD));


Nieaktywny użytkownik starego forum

Re:Wczytywanie i konwersja IFFów - realizacja :... wysłany: 2013-10-19 20:17

A tutaj moja praca nad warsztatem programistycznym. Tym razem logiczny i spójny podział na funkcje. Staram się dzielić duże zadanie na jak najmniejsze pod-zadania. Oto procedura ładowania obrazka i palety kolorów IFF ILBM do struktury planarnej BitMapy.

Czy jest tutaj ktoś obeznany i mógłby mi powiedzieć, czy dobrze kombinuję? Takie rozwiązanie jest na pewno jednym z wielu możliwych, ale mnie coraz bardziej się podoba.
Zalety: krótkie, łatwe do analizowania funkcje, błyskawiczna de-alokacja zasobów w razie napotkania błędu (ciągła kontrola poprawności). Wady: troszkę mała wszechstronność funkcji, ale to da się poprawić w razie potrzeby.

Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

/* makeshape: program to create shapes: IFF loading part. */


#include "IFFload.h"

* depackbuffer: depack buffer into BitMap within ILBMInfo.
* Inputs: pointer to ILBMInfo, pointer to buffer
* Output: result
int depackbuffer(struct ILBMInfo *ii, BYTE *buffer)
int result=-1;
WORD row, plane, bpr;
PLANEPTR planes[8];
BYTE c, n;

if (ii->bitmap = AllocBitMap(ii->width, ii->height, ii->depth, 0, NULL)) {
for (plane = 0; plane < ii->depth; plane++)
planes[plane] = ii->bitmap->Planes[plane];
for (row = 0; row < ii->height; row++) {
for (plane = 0; plane < ii->depth; plane++) {
bpr = ii->bpr;
if (ii->compression == cmpNone) {
CopyMem(buffer, planes[plane], bpr);
buffer += bpr;
planes[plane] += bpr;
else if (ii->compression == cmpByteRun1) {
while (bpr > 0) {
if ((c = *buffer++) >= 0) {
bpr -= c;
while (c-- > 0)
*planes[plane]++ = *buffer++;
else if (c != -12 {
c = -c + 1;
bpr -= c;
n = *buffer++;
while (c-- > 0)
*planes[plane]++ = n;
result = 0;
return result;

* readbody: alloc buffer then depack ILBM BODY into it.
* Inputs: pointer to ILBMInfo, pointer to IFFHandle.
* Output: result
int readbody(struct ILBMInfo *ii, struct IFFHandle *iff)
struct ContextNode *cn;
BYTE *buffer;
int result=-1;

if (cn = CurrentChunk(iff)) {
if (buffer = AllocMem(cn->cn_Size, MEMF_PUBLIC)) {
if (ReadChunkBytes(iff, buffer, cn->cn_Size) == cn->cn_Size) {
result = depackbuffer(ii, buffer);
FreeMem(buffer, cn->cn_Size);
return result;

* storebmhd: copy contents of BMHD chunk into ILMBInfo.
* Inputs: pointer to ILBMInfo, pointer to BitMapHeader
* Output: none
void storebmhd(struct ILBMInfo *ii, struct BitMapHeader *bmhd)
ii->width = bmhd->bmh_Width;
ii->height = bmhd->bmh_Height;
ii->depth = bmhd->bmh_Depth;
ii->bpr = ROWBYTES(ii->width);
ii->compression = bmhd->bmh_Compression;

* storecmap: copy contents of CMAP chunk into ILBMInfo.
* Inputs: pointer to ILBMInfo, pointer to CMAP, size of CMAP chunk
* Output: result
int storecmap(struct ILBMInfo *ii, UBYTE *cmap, ULONG size)
if (ii->cmap = AllocMem(size, MEMF_PUBLIC)) {
CopyMem(cmap, ii->cmap, size);
return 0;
return -1;

* readilbm: store data from IFF ILBM file into ILBMInfo.
* Inputs: pointer to ILBMInfo, pointer to IFFHandle
* Output: result
int readilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ii, struct IFFHandle *iff)
struct StoredProperty *sp;
int result=-1;

if (sp = FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BMHD)) {
storebmhd(ii, (struct BitMapHeader *)sp->sp_Data);
if (sp = FindProp(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_CMAP)) {
storecmap(ii, sp->sp_Data, sp->sp_Size);
result = readbody(ii, iff);
return result;

* parseilbm: parse IFF ILBM file.
* Inputs: pointer to ILBMInfo, pointer to IFFHandle
* Output: result
int parseilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ii, struct IFFHandle *iff)
int result;

result = PropChunk(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BMHD);
result |= PropChunk(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_CMAP);
result |= StopChunk(iff, ID_ILBM, ID_BODY);
if (result == 0 && ParseIFF(iff, IFFPARSE_SCAN) == 0) {
result = readilbm(ii, iff);
return result;

* openiff: begin transaction with IFF file and begin parsing.
* Inputs: pointer to ILBMInfo, pointer to IFFHandle
* Output: result
int openiff(struct ILBMInfo *ii, struct IFFHandle *iff)
int result=-1;

if (OpenIFF(iff, IFFF_READ) == 0) {
result = parseilbm(ii, iff);
return result;

* openilbm: open IFF file and store contents into ILBMInfo.
* Inputs: pointer to ILBMInfo, pointer to IFFHandle, name
* Output: result
int openilbm(struct ILBMInfo *ii, struct IFFHandle *iff, char *name)
int result=-1;

if (iff->iff_Stream = Open(name, MODE_OLDFILE)) {
result = openiff(ii, iff);
return result;

* fillilbminfo: fill ILBMInfo structure with data from IFF file.
* Inputs: pointer to ILBMInfo, name
* Output: result
int fillilbminfo(struct ILBMInfo *ii, char *name)
struct IFFHandle *iff;
int result=-1;

if (iff = AllocIFF()) {
result = openilbm(ii, iff, name);
return result;

* loadilbm: load IFF ILBM named name.
* Inputs: name
* Output: pointer to ILBMInfo
struct ILBMInfo *loadilbm(char *name)
struct ILBMInfo *ii;

if (ii = AllocMem(sizeof(struct ILBMInfo), MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR)) {
if (fillilbminfo(ii, name) == 0) {
return ii;
FreeMem(ii, sizeof(struct ILBMInfo));
return NULL;


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