Norwegian developer Stian Sreng owns project Apecat, which means "Amiga Processor Expansion Card for Application Transfer". It is an extension, which is located between main board and processor 68000 in Amiga 500. What is the goal? In this way data from other computer (for example PC lub RPi) could be send directly to Amiga memory. The main goal is to allow launching software on original Amiga without using floppy disks or hard disk. In fact Amiga, which I using for testing, is just a main board. It does not have even mouse or keyboard.
- AmiWigilia
- AMIcast - Special Episode 10 - Amiga News
06-10 08:37 - AMIcast - Episode 27 - Amiga 34 - Adam Zalepa
10-26 16:39 - AMIcast - Special Episode 9 - Amiga in 2018
12-30 11:01
- AMIcast - Special Episode 10 - Amiga News
- OS4 Depot
- - document / tutorial - Create X5000 boot medium from a system backup
- - document / tutorial - Create a USB installation stick for AmigaOne X5000
- amifish.lha - game / board - Chess program compatible with UCI chess engines
- hwp_malibu.lha - library / hollywood - Run Scala presentations
- amiarcadia.lha - emulation / gamesystem - Signetics-based machines emulator
- arabic_console_devicepro2.lha - driver / input - An arabic console device, line & full-page editors
- ttengine - src.tar.bz2 - library / misc - TrueType text rendering engine (v 7.2) Source
- ttengine.lha - library / misc - TrueType text rendering engine (v 7.1)
- beebase.lha - office / database - Programmable relational database w/ GUI
- hwp_pangomonium.lha - library / hollywood - Hollywood plugin for advanced text rendering