Mamy już wersję 0.9.24 silnika do tworzenia gier na klasyczną Amigę - RedPill. Pełną listę zmian w języku angielskim znajdziecie poniżej, najciekawsze wydaje się być podwojenie liczby globalnych zmiennych do 64 oraz wiele optymalizacji.
Dodano: 2023-08-24 20:59, Autor: st, Kategoria: Oprogramowanie, Liczba wyświetleń: 4311 english translation »
RedPill 0.9.24
- Added support for 64 global variables, it was 32.
- In the exported game only the used variables will be allocated, potentially saving some memory.
- Fix in the tile animations that was causing the exported games using them to run very slowly.
- Simplified handling of reading exporting projects.
- Fixes and implementations related to custom fonts usage in HUD and in triggers.
- Exact values for friction and weight can now be set up and displayed.
- Trigger help routines have been improved.
- More triggers have been documented in the in-editor help.
- Optimizations in the main loop of the game.
- Optimizations in the tile comparison triggers.
- Optimizations in the player input triggers.
- Optimizations in the render code.
- Some memory was wasted when changing the current mod being played, this has been optimized.
- Some unused code has been removed.
- Fixed a bug in Absolute Zero project when going back to menu and starting a stage again.
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Online: 14
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- Nightmare777
- spazma
- ZeeWolf
komentarz #1 wysłany: 2023-10-31 10:50
Wersja silnika podskoczyła znowu o kilka małych numerków i teraz jest już 0.9.27.
- Discord
Online: 14
- AmiKit
- Archi-TECH
- Cizar
- IMPBot
- Janusz82
- juen
- Laubzega
- m...
- MaaG^dA
- Marek_B
- Nightmare777
- spazma
- ZeeWolf
- Menu
- Baza wiedzy
- Simon's Podcast
- #11: jak kot w smole
25-07 czas: 22 min - #10: kodowanie upadku
10-07 czas: 33 min - #9: infantylny Mefisto
26-06 czas: 26 min
- #11: jak kot w smole