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Added: 2018-12-02 20:54, Posted by: st, Category: Software


TAWS 0.30

TAWS 0.30

TAWS means The Amiga Workbench Simulation and version 0.30 has been released. Project is taken by Michael Rupp and it shows us (using web technologies) Workbench in web browser. There are AmigaOS versions from 1.0 up to newest! You can find TAWS project here: www.taws.ch. Review of TAWS will be here soon, but for this moment please take a look at change log:

TAWS Early Preset Selection:

TAWS Early Preset Selection

  • New menu to select a preset upon starting and booting directly into its configration.
  • By checking "Remember Selection" the selection can be saved (Cookie).
  • By checking "Skip This Next Time" the selection will be be skipped from now on (Cookie).
  • The corresponding setting in "Preferences" is "Skip preset selection on startup" and can be reset there.
  • The menu can fully be controlled by keyboard (cursor keys and shortcuts according to the underlined characters).
  • Clicking "Cancel" will get you to the kickstart image.

New preset: "BetterWB".

OS 4.1: keyboard shortcuts for the prefs programs. The following gadgets can be controlled by keyboard pressing the key that's underlined in the corresponding label:

  • Checkbox: check/uncheck.
  • Textbox: set focus while "Return"/"Enter" removes focus.
  • Cycle: cycle forwards or backwards if shift key is pressed.
  • Slider: increase value or decrease value if shift key is pressed.
  • Button: click (supported since OS 3.5 and higher).


  • Moving settings to their own preferences: Font and Workbench, new option: No volume gauge.
  • "PowerWindows patch" has been relabled to "Off-screen window dragging"
  • "SolidWindows patch" has been split to: Drag window with contents and Resize window with contents.

Prefs programs - positioning according to OS version:

  • up to OS 2.0: upper left corner,
  • up to OS 3.1: upper left corner, but below the menubar,
  • from OS 3.5: centered.

Prefs programs: from OS 2.0 and higher the labels have colons.

Palette: separator added above the buttons.

AmigaGuide: missing AmigaGuide help files added (for the languages french, spanish, and polish), updated files for all other languages.

Amiga Early Startup Control: prevent browsers from blurring the Topaz font.


  • Improved positioning of the drive icons.
  • After "putting away" an icon the scrollbars of its window is recalculated.
  • Presets/Reset to last saved: the color of the active window is now correctly reset to its saved value.
  • Presets: minor color corrections.
  • Preferences: style "OS1" removed for this is not implemented yet (bug since v0.29); changing the transparency of inactive windows was not set to windows that have been moved previously; after loading icon's style and size from the cookie at startup, the values were only set to drawer icons and not to Workbench icons as well.
  • Deactivated the browser's autocompletion and spellchecking on textboxes.
  • Font: changing the default font doesn't affect already opened AmigaShell windows anymore.
  • MagicMenuPrefs: improved position of the %-character.
  • Chrome / Firefox / Opera: fixed menu shortcuts.
  • MS Edge: fixed gradients in OS4-style (menubar, buttons, cycles).
  • Firefox & AmigaShell: correction of the word wrapping (not yet fixed for Internet Explorer and MS Edge).
  • Odyssey & AmigaShell: workaround for a bug: the character "zero width space" should actually be invisible but is rendered as a square.
  • NetSurf: "JavaScript support is not sufficient" guru is displayed as intended.
  • Safari (Windows): fixed button click that is invoked by a keyboard shortcut (f.e. when creating a new drawer).
Author: Marcin "Piana" Pianka

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