Since one month owners of Amiga One X5000 and X1000 could upgrade to version 2.0 of additional package "Enhancer Software", which adds some more functionalities to standard AmigaOS 4.1. For users of "ES Graphics Update" this upgrade is free. Standard in AmiStore: 120 USD.
The most important new functionality in drivers for Radeon Polaris is library for hardware video decoding (currently used only by Emotion player). What's else? Updated environment Warp3D Nova and library OpenGLES 2. Owners of cards Radeon Southern Islands/Oland i Polaris have received app Power Prefs, where they have possibility to manage power settings of the card.
New programs in ES 2.0: Archiver (compression/decompression of files), SensorMaster library (Sensor API), datatypes AK-Datatypes: GIF, IFF-ILBM, PNG, TIFF and idea of 2D graphic library "Warp2D".
Updated software: (part of them is available also for ES 1.5): commodity InfoWB, MultiViewer, Notifications, Format, Updater, AmiSphereServer and datatypes.